Presari operates like a TV remote control for search engines.

Use this tool to speed up your research and get access to the most current information on a spectrum of Coronavirus topics. 

Select what you are interested in and click or touch the keyword. A Presari search page opens up with the keywords pre-loaded.  

Then click or touch a search engine icon.Your results will open. Then you can use their tools to refine your results.

The results are changing constantly with new data and information. 

The keywords here will be updated frequently as new issues arise. This post can be downloadad as a pdf file here. Share freely. 


Status – Updates

Coronavirus   Update   Statistics   By Country  By State   

CDC Guidance   WHO Guidance   Flatten the Curve

Impacts   Impact on Business  Impact on the Economy  Impacts on Airline Operations 

Covid Mandates   Covid Protests  Covid Misinformation

Event Cancellations   School Closures   Shelter in Place  

Covid-19 Herd Immunity Research  Coronavirus Antibodies Effectiveness Research

Covid Variants   Covid Mutations  

Delta Occurence   Delta Transmissibility 

Omicron Occurrence  Omicron Transmissibility  Omicron Symptoms 

Omicron Resistance to Vaccinations  Post Booster Omicron Transmissivity

Covid Vaccinations Update   Coronavirus Vaccination Supplies

Coronavirus Human Trafficking

Origin and Evolution

Origin & Evolution    Epidemiology    Transmission   Infection Rate  Death Rate  

Covid-19 vs. Influenza comparison    Covid-19 vs Swine Flu comparison

Control and Prevention

Control and Prevention   Safety   Effectiveness of Masks

Drinking Water    Pets and Animals   Pet Hygiene Practices

Workplace Measures   Social Distancing   Respiratory Hygiene Practices 

community mitigation measures    china best practices lessons learned  

Federal Government Response Update    

social distancing     social distancing mistakes

Covid Contact Tracing   Covid Contact Tracing Data Reports

Testing, Signs and Symptoms

Testing    Signs and Symptoms   Screening Website  

Should Your Get Tested  Triage   Symptoms Day-by-Day 

When to See a Doctor    Questions to Ask the Doctor

What to Do if You've Been Exposed to a Covid-19 Person

Loss of Sense of Smell Taste

Antibody Tests 

Coronavirus and Diabetes  Coronavirus Blood Microclots

Coronavirus Long Term Impacts  Coronavirus Comorbidities

Coronavirus Neurological and Psychological Impacts 

Diagnosis and Treatment

What to do if you get the flu   What to Do if You are Covid-19 Positive

Infection Control  Deep Cleaning Your Home  Managing a Home Hot Zone 

Self-Isolation   Quarantine   Self-Quarantine  Home Quarantine Protocols

Treatment   Patient Guidance and Information 

Treatment at Home   Caregiver Guidance  


Preparedness    Hospitals and Preparedness

Household Readiness   Homemade sanitizer

Food Supplies   Food Staples    Household Supplies

Retirement Homes   School Administration  

Teacher Nurse Guidance  Child Care Facility Guidance

Volunteering  Growing edible food indoors  


Travel Advice    Travel Information    Travel Restrictions

Cruise Ships    Air Travel

Myths, Rumors, Misinformation, Scams and Frauds

Myths    Rumors and Misinformation 

Covid False Information   Trump Inaccuracies   Trump Fact Check Coronavirus

Stopping Covid Misinformation  

Propaganda   Scams   Frauds   Reporting Scams  

Impacts on Business and Economics

Business   Economics

Reopening Up the Country 

Legal and Lawsuits

Covid 19 Coronavirus Lawsuits

Lawsuits that Challenge Governor Coronavirus Business Closures 

Coronavirus Mandates and US Supreme Court


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